JavaScript I

Javascript for Beginners

Reviewed: 0%
8 Tasks

Embark on your coding journey with our JavaScript Beginner Course! Discover the core concepts of JavaScript, from variables and data types to basic operations. Unleash your potential to create interactive web experiences and build a strong foundation for web development. Join us to unlock the magic of code and shape the future of the web! 🚀💻

Begin by creating a GitHub account.
1. Once you have your account, create a new repository with the name "skill_captain_javascript_beginner ".
2. Inside this repository, organize your daily assignments by creating a separate folder for each day's work. Name each folder "day".
3. Make sure to add your assignments to the respective day's folder to keep them organized and easily accessible.
By following these steps, you'll have a GitHub account with a repository specifically designed for your JavaScript Beginners assignments, neatly organized by day.

  • Day 1
  • Introduction to JavaScript Basics




    Please learn how to run the code on your computer.

    Running JavaScript code on Windows, macOS, and Linux is relatively straightforward.


    Using Node.js
    - Install Node.js from the official website (
    - Open the command prompt (search for "cmd" in the Start menu).
    - Type `node` to open the Node.js interactive REPL (Read-Eval-Print Loop) where you can enter and run JavaScript code.

    Using Terminal and Node.js

    - Open the Terminal (search for it using Spotlight or find it in the Applications > Utilities folder).
    - Install Node.js using a package manager like Homebrew (`brew install node`) or download it from the official website.
    - Type `node` to open the Node.js interactive REPL where you can enter and run JavaScript code.

    Terminal and Node.js

    - Open the Terminal from the Applications menu.
    - Install Node.js using a package manager appropriate for your Linux distribution (e.g., `sudo apt-get install nodejs` on Debian-based systems).
    - Type `node` to open the Node.js interactive REPL where you can enter and run JavaScript code.

  • Day 5
  • Arrays, Array Methods (push, pop, map, filter), and Iteration




    Create an array of numbers. Use the `map()` method to double each number, and then use the `filter()` method to keep only the even numbers. Finally, use a loop to print the resulting array.

  • Day 6
  • Introduction to Objects and Properties




    Create an object that represents a book. Include properties like `title`, `author`, `year`, and `isAvailable`. Then, use both dot notation and bracket notation to access and display the book's information.

  • Day 8
  • Fetch API for Making HTTP Requests with Real APIs




    Create a function that fetches weather information for a specific city from the [OpenWeatherMap API]( Display the temperature, weather conditions, and other relevant data in the console.


Let's Go!

Congratulations on getting started. Here is a little reward for you...



Going to the next task in